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School history

The school has been continuing the traditions of educating economists since 1896, when the Supplementary Merchant School was established. For over a hundred years, the school has trained merchants, traders, accountants, secretaries, administration and other employees in economic professions. It underwent a series of educational reforms and reorganisations. In the seventies of the last century, the Economic School Complex was created, which included the following types of schools: Technical Secondary School of Economics, VI General Secondary School, VI Profiled Secondary School and Secondary School No. 2.

School management

Headmaster: Monika Upława, MA - teacher of the subject: mathematics

Deputy Headmaster: Grzegorz Mikołajczak, MA - teacher of vocational economic subjects

Forms of education in the CKZiU (Center of Vocational and Continuing Education)

Technical Secondary School of Economics

Technical Secondary School of Economics is a secondary school combining general education with vocational education.

In the Technical Secondary School of Economics at the Center for Vocational and Continuing Education, vocational education takes place in four professions:

Technician of economy

Accounting technician

Logistics technician

Tourism organization technician

High school for adults

Post-secondary school

Qualifying Vocational Courses

The Qualifying Vocational Course (KKZ) is a modern and free form of education addressed to people with primary, secondary, vocational, secondary or higher education, interested in obtaining or supplementing specific knowledge, skills and professional qualifications.

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